Linux Commands Cheatsheet

Linux Commands Cheatsheet for beginners

Linux Commands Cheatsheet

Linux Commands Cheatsheet

Command Description Example
ls Lists files and directories ls -l
cd Changes directory cd /home/user
pwd Prints the current working directory pwd
mkdir Creates a new directory mkdir new_folder
rm Removes files or directories rm file.txt
cp Copies files or directories cp file.txt /path/to/destination
mv Moves or renames files or directories mv old_name.txt new_name.txt
cat Displays file contents cat file.txt
nano Opens a text editor nano file.txt
chmod Changes file permissions chmod 755 file.txt
chown Changes file ownership chown user:group file.txt
top Displays running processes top
df Displays disk space usage df -h
du Displays directory size du -sh folder_name
grep Searches for a pattern in a file grep 'text' file.txt
find Finds files and directories find /path -name file.txt
tar Archives files tar -cvf archive.tar folder_name
ssh Connects to a remote server ssh user@hostname
exit Logs out of the current session exit

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