
Mysterious Underwater Discoveries that will Blow Your Mind

Researchers of Nava Company were listening to the underwater volcanic activity through hydrophone in the Pacific Ocean, 3000 km away from the Atlantic Ocean. types of sounds originating in the sea can be heard and It can be recorded that on that day in 1917, researchers recorded a very strange type of sound from inside the sea which never heard such a sound before in their entire life, The sound had put everyone present there sound was not only very loud but it was making it different from other sounds recorded from the sea, due to which this Gaya, this sound had given sleepless nights to scientists and researchers for many years. This sound has now become a mystery. coming to the minds of scientists and researchers regarding this sound.

Exercise, was it of the engine of a very big ship, some big scary and mysterious creature which has been alive for several thousand years. alive in the depths of the sea for years and about which scientists and researchers do not know till date. scientists and researchers went to the ocean near Antarctica to study the volcanic activity and earthquakes originating from inside the sea. similar strange and loud sound was recorded once again in Hydro Fos Deployed English, after which the whole reality of this mysterious sound that the bleep was not of a very big ship or some After eight years of hard work and day and night research, this This mystery of sound was solved but scientists and researchers have till now found such things from the dark darkness of the sea In this video we will talk about such things being discovered from the depths of the sea.

Know what remains a mystery to the whole world till date, thousands of years old cities buried in the sea or the biggest ships that sank in the sea centuries ago. Kiha Charo Ara Ki, a driver belonging to Japan, risked his life and dived into the sea near Yana Goni Island Groups of dangerous hammer head sharks are found in the sea near here, typhus have also been seen coming out of this part of the sea several times. in this part of the sea, the water was hidden from the eyes of scientists and researchers. There was a strange structure at the bottom of the water, with his team to understand this structure in detail, it was as high as a building was built by a human being thousands of years old.

Stairs were built from the bottom to the roof. researchers believed that information could not be obtained about this structure just by diving, hence sonar scanning was done in this part of the sea. Sound Sound seen surprised all the people present there. very beautiful structure built by humans thousands of years ago, which looked like a palace.

Built inside this structure, which was probably the most important structure at that time. apart from this, there were large terraces as well as pools on the top of the structure, period in which it was built. they had built this structure not from different stones but by carving a single very big When carbon dating of the artefacts found from this structure was done, it was built 10000 years ago, this oldest civilization of humans present on this land and at that time this place was not inside the sea but was on the land outside the water but in that period When humans how and for what purpose were such large and luxurious structures built and Today the structures built by them This fact remains a mystery till date. i.

In the year 1900, the sea near Antica Thera Island. found the wreck of a very old and destroyed Anset ship. sunk in the sea 2000 years ago during the era of Anset Greece, the wreck of which During the research, this ship was found,drivers had also found a box from the ship.

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